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At the outset,I want to say that my motive in presenting this volume was not for war but for peace. In this respect I have been often misunderstood. Some of my friends ask me now and then, while discussing Oriental problems,“Do you want the United States to go to war with Japan?" No. On the contrary,I wanted the United States to avert conflict with Japan by checking her,before it was too late. That is what I want to tell in this book.

I am a pacifist,in the general sense of the word,by temperament and religion. I was raised in a Confucian family and educated in a Confucian school. Confucius placed war beyond the pale of civilization,for the rule of force is the rule of barbarians.

Korea enjoyed a high standard of Oriental civilization for more than four thousand years. Peace was the guiding principle of the nation in philosophy,politics,and poetry; and it was the household word in its everyday life. The very name of the nation,given by its founder,Tan Kun,in 2317B.C. and renewed by the ensuing dynasty; Ki Cha,1122B.C.,was the Land of the Morning Calm (Peace). Instead of saying among themselves,“How do you do?" “Good-bye,'’ etc.,the Koreans say,“'Are you in peace?" “Go in peace," “Peace be with you,"etc. Born and raised in that atmosphere,I was naturally a man of peace.

But with the advent ofWestern civilization came the Western idea of military conquest and superior modern weapons of war. Japan,as an apt pupil of the West,soon equipped herself with the modern instruments and Western military mentality. When she was fully ready, she came,bowed,and asked for our good will by saying, “Please make friends with us,as we are your next-door neighbor. All the nations of the world throw their doors wide open to one another. They have international law and also international treaties to protect all nations,weak as well as strong. Please do not suspect,but trust,us."

The conservative Korean government,having a childlike faith in the treaties,by which all the leading powers promised to protect them in time of need,opened everything to the Japanese without preparing for national defense. It was in 1895,soon after the close of the first Sino-Japanese war,that I came to realize the danger and undertook to inform the nation of the imminent menace to our independent existence. I started the first daily newspaper in Korea,through the columns of which I did all I could to cause our people to know what the Japanese and the Russians, the two rival forces, were trying to do. In co-operation with many patriotic leaders,we succeeded in arousing a sufficient number of people to join with us in inaugurating a national defense program.

Unfortunately for Korea,the government was unable to understand the situation and tried to suppress the nationalist movement. After a long struggle between the conservative party and the nationalist party,the former succeeded in crushing the latter,and,consequently, I soon found my self, together with many others,landed in jail,where I spent nearly seven years.

When the Russo-Japanese war broke out in 1904,the nationalist party got into power temporarily,and they let me out of the prison. As I walked out of the old iron gate of Kamoksu,the Seoul prison, the Russian influence in the Korean court had crumbled . The Japanese,who won the moral support of the Western nations by posing as champions of the independence of Korea,were already tightening their death grip on the very life of that country,their ally. The new Korean government tried to send me as a special envoy to the United Stales for the purpose of asking the United States to “use its good offices" against Japan. But,to its dismay,the Korean government discovered that the Japanese had already closed every possible loophole and no direct appeal for help could be sent to the outside world. The Japanese,who had been known up to that time as friends of the Korean nationalist party,were closely watching me in every move I made. I managed to leave Korea hurriedly for America in early November,1904. The Japanese did not know that I had brought with me several important diplomatic communications from Prince Min and General Hahn. That is,however,another story,for which I have no place here.

I make this personal reference in order to show that I was in a position to see from behind the scenes what was carefully kept from the gaze of the outside world. No clairvoyance or far-sighted statesmanship was required to foretell what was to come. In fact, every educated Japanese knew then,as they know now,what to expect,and when. The difference was that they would not tell.

Naturally,I attempted to tell many things to the American people. I soon discovered that the mass of the people in this country in 1905 were just as unaware of the situation as the Koreans had been ten years before. I discovered also that there were eminent Americans who were highly enlightened on the subject and were equally anxious to disseminate the facts to their fellow citizens,but they could do nothing because public sentiment was so overwhelmingly pro -Japanese that no one would believe that these unfavorable statements about Japan could be true. Consequently, our warnings were but voices in the wilderness.

To refer to Korea again. If the Koreans had seen Japan in 1894 as they saw her in 1592,the year of Hideyoshi's unsuccessful invasion of Korea,they could have saved their country and themselves from the plight in which they find themselves today. On the other hand, if the American people had seenJapan in 1894 and 1904 as they see her today,they would have looked askance at Japan’s annexation of Korea,and would have tried to meet Japanese expansion of sea power,which now offers a powerful threat on the other side of the Pacific.

These painful experiences are reviewed here in the hope of warning the United States to watch Japan. Therefore,I believe all Americans should know what they are now confronting. They should know that the things which they could have averted years ago by saying a few simple words or showing a firm attitude at the right time cannot be averted so easily now. This problem must be settled,and the sooner it is settled the better.

Postponement is not a settlement. The forest fire will not extinguish itself. It is drawing nearer day by day. Years ago you heard but faint whispers of impending trouble. It was so far away. It seamed as if it might be on Mars,or some other planet. Later on,you saw columns of smoke rising at a distance,or perhaps a glow of the flames reflected on the clouds,or,at times,even heard the roaring or crackling of burning trees. Yet it was still far enough away to cause you no worry or alarm. Now that is all changed. You already begin to feel the heat. It is coming too close for your comfort. You must move from your own home or your own business because it is dangerous for you to ignore it longer. You must give up the international settlements in the Orient. You must lose your business investments, mission stations,universities,hospitals,and any and all other institutions that are yours. You must not carry on war games in the Pacific,because the Japanese say that the Pacific is their "back yard." You do not know what to do with the Philippine Islands,because the Japanese may want them. You must not fortify or even talk about fortifying any of your island outposts,because the Japanese will object. And that is not all. Even in your own homeland,you must not enact any law to regulate the influx of their nationals,because they say it is an insult to their race. And when they deliberately bomb and sink your ships,you must not criticize them,because they are a proud and sensitive race and their feelings may be hurt. These are some of the things which have actually been happening. Can you still believe the forest fire is far away? Can you still say “Let the Koreans, the Manchurians,and the Chinese fight their own fight; it is none of our business"?

In this book I will endeavor to answer these perplexing questions. The answers will be found,perhaps,not in what I say,but rather in the events which have actually taken place. With this in view,we will not interest ourselves in the Sino-Japanese conflict as a whole, but only in a certain phase of the conflict that affects foreigners in general and Americans in particular.

As the ever advancing,irresistible war machine moves along,it leaves in its wake the wreckage of civilization and humanity. It keeps on moving to more and greater destruction. A terrified world stands aghast and asks,“Why and what does all this mean? Why are they doing all this?" It means just this: the Mikado in the East and the Fascists and Nazis in the West are bent on conquering the world. As they have great mechanized armies,they believe they are destined to rule the world.


In order to save democracy the American people must face the world situation and act quickly and co-operate with all the peoples of the world struggling to retain their liberty or to regain their lost freedom. The United States must take an active leading part in all the great world issues which involve the peace and safety not only of the Western Hemisphere but of the world. There will be no peace and safety in the world so long as it remains half democratic and half totalitarian. It must be one or the other. The maintenance of democracy in the world depends upon how the American people act at this time. It is a tremendous task to be sure. It would have been much easier even a decade or two ago, but the Americans have been sleeping, while the totalitarian nations were preparing. If America insists on continuing with a false idea of peace, there will be no escape.

The American government and the people are at last partly awake and are now pushing ahead with necessary material preparations as fast as possible. Yet material equipment alone is not sufficient. The importance of preparing the American public to meet the inevitable and unavoidable menace cannot be overestimated. Japan knew long ago the value of mental power and has been busily engaged in training the nation’s mind. Today she is far superior to any nation in the world except Germany in the development of war psychology. Some of the ideas expressed here sound fantastic and ridiculous to practical Western minds. It seems incredible for the people of a “modernized" nation to believe in such incongruous and mythical fabrications, but the point is that they do believe them, and millions are willing and ready to die to prove their faith. With this spiritual equipment, plus an “ invincible" army and navy, they are determined to conquer the world. We who are trying not to be conquered should take special interest in studying the idea of “divinity" back of Japanese rulers.

The Japan Advertiser printed a translation of an editorial in the Japanese vernacular newspaper Niroku on May 9, 1919, as follows:

“To preserve the world’'s peace and promote the welfare of mankind is the mission of the Imperial Family of Japan. Heaven has invested the Imperial Family with all the necessary qualifications to fulfill this mission. He who can fulfill this mission is one who is the object of Humanity's admiration and adoration, and who holds the prerogative of administration forever. The Imperial Family of Japan is as worthy of respect as God, and is the embodiment of benevolence and justice. The great principle of the Imperial Family is to make popular interests paramount- most important. The Imperial Family of Japan is the parent, not only of her sixty millions, but of all mankind on earth. In the eyes of the Imperial Family, all races are one and the same. It is above all racial considerations. All human disputes, therefore, may be settled in accordance with its immaculate justice. The League of Nations, proposed to save mankind from horrors of war, can attain its real object only by placing the Imperial Family of]apan at its head, for to attain its object the League must have a strong punitive force and a supernational and super-racial character; and this force can be found only in the Imperial Family of Japan."

The title “ Emperor" for their ruler is a misnomer. The Japanese do not call him emperor but Tenno, the Heavenly King. Every time they mention this word Tenno, they bow their heads or doff their hats. They do not class him with the emperors and kings of nations. He is above them all. He is a superior being. His sanctity is proclaimed in all official statements} in the national history for every school. Scholars, philosophers, lawyers, and writers, all teach and preach this all-important doctrine. Even great Christian leaders educated in the West, such as the late Inazo Nitobe, declare the ruler of Japan is “ the bodily representative of Heaven and Earth."

More ardent patriots trace the divine origin to the creation of the earth. According to this tale of Japanese mythology; the gods Izanagi and Izanami united in marriage and gave birth to the Japanese islands. The islands, therefore, are different from the rest of the earth. Then they gave birth to the sun goddess Amaterasu} whose direct descendant became the ruler of Japan. The first emperor was the deity Jimmu Tenno. The story of the birth of the Japanese Islands related in The Japanese Nationalist Bible is as follows:

“The holy couple, Izanagi and Izanami, were ordered by other gods to give birth to the drifting land from the bridge of high heaven, and the male god thrust his jeweled spear into the primeval brine. From the coagulation which took place, the Islands of Japan were formed, and from the drops that fell from the spear the rest of the world came into being. Therefore, all nations should be grateful to Japan, because to the creation of Japan the world owes its existence..."

This is by no means the end of the divinity story. Japanese divinity does not stop with the Emperor and the land. The people are also a part of it. The aborigines of Japan were all gods and goddesses, and from them descended the present Yamato race, Seed of the Sun. All other mortals are of lower orders. From the divine descent of the Japanese people “proceeds their immeasurable superiority to the natives of other countries in courage and intelligence:’

Every Japanese is taught to believe he is more or less a god, because he belongs to this divine race, Yamato. Every child grows up with the belief that (1) Japan’'s Emperor is the only divine ruler, (2) Japan is the only divine land, (3) Japan’'s people are the only divine people and, therefore, Japan must be the light of the world. A soldier who dies in battle, or a patriot who sacrifices his life for the Emperor, automatically becomes a full god and joins the great family of gods in the Lotus heaven. The so-called Imperial Genealogy was invented about 700 A. D. and completed only. seventy years ago, when the Shogunate was abolished and the Emperor was restored to power. How the story originated matters very little to the Japanese. All now believe in the divinity of their Emperor, their land, and their people. No doubt this is the great uniting and driving force behind the Japanese race- "each unimportant in himself but all together omnipotent:’ In this sense, “Japan is a war machine of seventy million gods." In recent years, while all other faiths have been crumbling, this Shintoistic doctrine has grown supreme. The government has ordered the Christian churches in Japan and Korea to transfer administrative responsibility to the Japanese and has imposed other restrictions. In a wireless dispatch to The New York Times from Tokyo, on August 28, 1940, Hugh Byas wrote, in part:

“The movement for the eradication of foreign influence from Japanese Christianity is progressing rapidly. A purely national Church, tentatively named the Genuine Japan Christian Church, is being organized. Efforts are being made to have the new Church formally constituted October 17 at the 2,600th anniversary of the traditional date of the founding of the Japanese Empire by the Sun Goddess.“The movement is part of the present wave of extreme nationalism that is sweeping Japan, but the Japanese Christians deny hostility to American or other missionaries. The amalgamation is advocated as a means of making up for the loss of foreign donations:"

We who believe in the freedom of religion may have no business to dig into other people’s religious faith. If they want to believe that their Emperor, land, people, and even all the living creatures in Japan are divine, it is their privilege and we have nothing to say. After all, the theory of the divine origin of man sounds better than the Western idea of evolution from anthropoid ancestry. Let them believe, to their hearts' content, that they are superior because of their heavenly origin. But that is not all. It is the basis of their claims to the world domination under the rule of their Mikado. Since their Mikado is the only heavenly king, the logical conclusion is that he is the only rightful ruler of the universe and that his army and navy are sent to save the world. There should be but one sun in all the heavens and but one ruler in all this mundane sphere. World peace so much desired can be obtained only through Japanese sovereignty. It is Japan’s heaven-ordained mission to establish “a new order in Asia," and that is why "Japan is the only stabilizing force in the Far East." At present it is the part of caution that the Japanese modify their claims by confining themselves to Asia and the Far East. But they will soon extend “the new order in Asia" to “a new world order," and “a stabilizing power in the Far East" to a “stabilizing power on the entire earth." The Imperial rescript of Emperor Jimmu, which, according to the Japanese military textbook,“ has been given to us an everlasting and categorical imperative," says,“ We shall build our capital all over our dominion, because we are ordained by heaven to save the entire world from chaos and ruin:'


Cooped up in a small group of islandsj Japan's traditional ambition has been territorial expansion. Korea and China knew it. For the peace of the Far East they had their own traditional policYj which was to keep the islanders in their own islands. Japau’s repeated invasions of Korea as first steps toward the conquest of the mainland of Asia met with failure. The last and most destructive war of Hideyoshij “the Napoleon ofJapan/' 1592j although he was completely defeated by the Sino-Korean allied armiesj left Korea so helplessly devastated that it never completely recovered. From that time on to 1876 the isolation of Korea was so air-tight that not a Japanese or Chinese was allowed to enter the country without special permit. Thus the Land of the Morning Calm managed to maintain its calm and earned its sobriquetj the “Hermit Kingdom:'

The warriors of the Samurai racej though defeated and repulsed by the allied troops of Korea and China after the Hideyoshi invasionj never ceased to cherish their dream of “world conquest:’ 끄leir idea of the world never extended beyond the continent of Asiaj “within the Four Seas:'

The new era altered all this by bringing the West to meet the East. At firstj the East resisted. It soon discoveredj to its great surprisej a superior civilization beyond “the Four Seas" and bowed. While the Chinese and Koreansj scholarly mindedj were beginning to study Western philosophYj literaturej and religion in comparison with theirs,the ambitious Samurai saw at once the superiority of the lethal weapons of the Westerners and adapted them to their own purposes. Slowly the wish to adopt and equip themselves with these modern a1'maments so as to conquer the world dawned in their minds as the rising sun dawns on their islands.

In 1894,Japan suddenly attacked China,unprepared and unsuspecting,and with the aid of new weapons and of the United States and Great Britain,she came near to the realization of her traditional dream by defeating the giant Empire of China. Flushed with victory,she rushed secret preparations fo1' another wa1', and in 1904 she was ready to tackle Russia. Prior to the outbreak of this war, the Japanese government p1'oposed,and the Korean government agreed,to sign a defensive and offensive alliance,by which Ko 1'ea was to open the Peninsula fo1' the Japanese troops to march through,and by which Japan solemnly pledged to withdraw her t1'oops f1'om Ko1'ea when peace should be 1'esto1'ed. With that understanding,a Korean national a1'my marched side by side with the Japanese army to fight the Russians in Manchuria. When the war was ove1', however, Japan,in open violation ofher pledged words,filled the country with her victo1'ious army returning f1'om the China border and bet1'ayed her ally by 1'obbing it of its independence and robbing its people of thei1' land. In 1910,she declared the formal annexation of Korea.

This act of international banditry and outlawry was pe1'petrated byJapan with the full sanction and app1'oval of the civilized nations of the world which had solemnly pledged themselves to help Korea in time of need. The first of these treaties was signed between the United States and Ko1'ea in 1882. The fi1'st a1'ticle of this treaty contained what is known as the amity clause,which reads as follows:

틀:인용문:"If other powers deal unjustly or oppressively with either government, the other will exert their good offices,on being informed of the case, to bring about an amicable arrangement,thus showing their friendly feelings."

All the leading European powers,following the example of the United States,made commercial treaties with Korea. Each of these treaties included the amity clause. 1hey have never been abrogated, nor their legality questioned. In 1905,only twenty-three years later, the United States used its “good office,s "not for Korea,according to its treaty covenants,but for Japan,which was dealing “unjustly and oppressively" with Korea in open violation of her sacred promise. This was the spark which started the conflagration.

During the World War,the German government was universally condemned for calling international treaties “scraps of paper:’ but Germany was only practicing what the American government did nine years before. lt is highly significant that such a tiny little fire -a flame of international injustice -started in a remote corner of the earth,has spread so rapidly that many nations in the West,as well as those in the East,have been reduced to ruin and others are threatened with the same fate. The very nation whose violation of her treaties with Korea the United States condoned is now violating all the treaties and agreements she has made with the United States. And now the American people are facing a peril to their peace and security which,all unwittinglYi they helped to create.

As earlyas 1895,soon after Japan’s victory over China,1 heard the Japanese talking about Dai Dong Hap Bang (the United States of the Great East),under the hegemony ofJapan of course. And later 1 read a book under the title of IlMi Chun Chang Mi Rai Ki (Japanese­ American War in the Future). 1 have in my possession now a book written in Japanese by a high Japanese naval authority,predicting a war between the United States and Japan. 1 picked it up from the bookcase of a Korean family in San F떼 lcisco in 1934.

The great victories they won were bound to have an effect on the minds of the Japanese. They began to believe that they were invincible. The whole nation was convinced that so long as it was trained and equipped,it could carry its conquests in the West as well as in the East. Out of this national dream came into existence what was later known as the Tanaka Memorial. The idea of world conquest,as incorporated in that document,was by no means new. It was the nation’'s hereditary ambition put into new language,with its scope widened. This policy,which was made familiar to every Japanese,so that the whole nation would be solidly behind it,was to be kept from the knowledge ofWestemers,especially Americans. That is why the Japanese have vigorously denied the authenticity of the Tanaka document. They may deny as they wish. Their actions speak more loudly than their words.

According to Mark J. Gayn,whose article appeared under the topic,"Japan’s Blue Print,"in The Washington Post on April10,1941,

틀:인용문:“Matsuoka’s talks,naturally,were on matters of high policy-but whether this policy meant peace or war for the Pacific no one would tell."

No one,that is,except a nameless Korean who more than a decade ago stole,copied,or forged what has become a blue print ofJapan’'s long-term policy. Little is known of the Korean. Three years ago,Chinese political agents in Shanghai told me he was somewhere in Central China hiding from the long arm of the Japanese secret service. If he has not been assassinated since,he must have migrated inland with hundreds of other Korean revolutionaries and soldiers of fortune.

“Some time between 1927 and 1931,the Korean served as a clerk in the office of the Japanese premier.... The memorial was highly secret but, somehow,the Korean clerk managed to lay his hands 0)1 the document and copy it. A shrewd man,he realized the explosive possibilities of the memorial and decided to capitalize on it. As every Korean,he nursed little love for Japan.

“Some time in 1931,he approached the Chinese government with the offer to sell a highly confidential Japanese document. On September 24,1931,five days after Japan invaded Manchuria,the Chinese returned Tanaka’'s name to world headlines by publishing the Korean’'s document. The moment could not have been chosen better,for the conquest of Manchuria was one ofthe major steps outlined in the memorial.

“Of course,the Japanese promptly and vehemently denied its authenticity by saying that it was a forgery,either manufactured by the Chinese propaganda bureau or sold by a Korean forger.

“Foreign newspapermen and diplomatic officials took another look at the ‘Tanaka Memorial.’ They were still prepared to take Japan’'s word that it was a forgery,but they were forcibly struck by its close adherence to the pattern of Japanese aggression. The further south the Japanese juggernaut rolled,the more remarkable the Korean document began to look. The Korean might have been a forger,but ifhe was,he was then endowed with a gift of prophecy not given to or이때까luan."

Baron Tanaka’s secret memorial is to Japan what Hitler’s Mein Kampf is to Germany. Both were written ,not as prophecy,predicting what would come to pass,but as a military blue print for remapping the world. Hitler knew that the world would not take his book seriously,and if it did,he did not care. Millions read it and scoffed at the audacity of a madman. Meanwhile,he went ahead,step by step. Europe is now under his thumb.

Baron Tanaka,on the other hand,knew that Japan had to move stealthily until she was strong enough to come out in the open. For that reason he kept the memorial secret. One copy of the document was smuggled out of Japan and made public. The American people were not prepared to accept it as a revelation ofJapan’s military aims. Most Americans disregarded it,just as most Europeans disregarded Hitler’s book. The Japanese official denial of its authenticity was taken as a statement of fact.

However,the world situation has altered rapidly during recent years. The continents of Europe and Asia are being remapped,with no end of the process in sight. Great changes have taken place. They are a partial realization of Baron Tanaka’'s predictions. Certain statements in the memorial are very significant:

“For settling the difficulties in Eastern Asia,Japan must adopt a policy of iron and blood.... In order to conquer the world,Japan must conquer Europe and Asiaj in order to conquer Europe and Asia,Japan must conquer China.... In the future,if we wish to control China,the primary move is to crush the United States.... If we succeed in conquering China, the rest of the Asiatic countries and the South Sea countries will fear us and surrender to us...:’

In the light of the Sino-Japanese conflict,it is all too evident that the complete subjugation of China is an integral part of Japan’s design. Although she is still far from succeeding in that grandiose scheme,its repercussions are shaking the world.

Whenever militarists overestimate their own power,it is the beginning of their downfall. The Japanese are no exception. They were so sure of their invincibility that they made two great blunders in their China campaign.

First, they failed to estimate correctly the latent but awakening spirit of Chinese patriotism. Japanese bomb and machine-gun raids) more than anything else) achieved the miracle. 1hey aroused in the Chinese a determined spirit of unity and resistance. The mighty Nipponese army bogged down. In the main) invasion) so far) has succeeded little beyond the coast. It should be recalled that whenJapan was about to unmask herself in 1936) she was ready to spring upon any of the major powers of the West. Russia’'s timely preparation for her defense along the Siberian border forced the Japanese to change their tactics and attaζk China. An easy 띠ctory in China would have enabled them to launch a major campaign against the United States with all the man power and material resources of a conquered China at their command. 1he plan was to be executed while Hitler and Mussolini were confining British resistance to Europe and the Mediterranean) thus furnishing a heaven-sent opportunity for Japan to stab the United States in the back. A sudden attack on America) while Americans were unprepared and unaware) would have put Japan in an advantageous position for carrying on the rest of the campaign. But first it was necessary to subjugate China.

Second, the Japanese started too soon to close the “Open Door': Made overconfìdent by their quick successes early in the undeclared war on China) they undertook at once to oust all white men and their businesses) and to make Japanese control over China complete. 좌ley knew well enough that no Western Power) or Powers) would go to war with them in order to maintain the “Open Door/' and measures short of war did not much concern them. But their calculations were wrong. If) instead of adopting this terrorist method) they had patiently followed the slow-moving) underhanded process which they had used so effectively in seizing Korea) they would doubtless have met with greater success. When her forces were entering Korea thirty-fìve years ago) Japan was under the leadership of shrewd) far­ sighted statesmen of the old school. They knew that they were in need of the moral and material support of the great nations of the West and dared not do anything that would arouse indignation or suspicion against them. They took great pains to make friends with all foreigners) missionaries) newspapermen) and others) and to such an extent that most of the foreigners openly supported them in their efforts to bring Korea under their domination. When they succeeded in that) the Japanese employed all sorts of underhanded schemes) by which means they gradually got rid of all the foreigners. If they had made use of this slow process in their China campaign,they would have succeeded in keeping the Arnerican people unsuspecting and unprepared.

The Japanese,however,like all other militarists,believed that force was a short cut to success,and set out to prove it. As a result, the bombing raids upon unprotected civilian sectors in China revealed to the Arnerican people,perhaps for the first time,the real purpose of the Japanese army,while the wanton destruction of the lives and property of foreigners in China served as an eye-opener to Arnericans,who began to see the real Japanese menace threatening the peace of the Pacific. The growing sympathy for China and suspicion of Japan in Arnerica gradually crystallized into a national policy of giving China all the material support needed in her life or death struggle against Japan. Thus Arnerican material help steadily found its way to the Chungking government,enabling them to keep up their resistance and also encouraging and helping the morale of the Chinese armies. Naturally,anti-Arnerican feeling among the Japanese also has been considerable.

Meanwhile,Hitler,on the other side of the world,also failed to score a quick success in his London raids. Contrary to the Fuehrer’s prediction of the fall of London at the beginning of autumn,1940, the British,unlike the French,refused to collapse. 1here,again,it was Arnerican material support which enabled the British to continue their fight with greater vigor and determination. 1hus the Germans and Japanese find themselves face to face with the United States. From their standpoint,then,it is the United States that stands in their way,of course. Under these circumstances,it is perfectly natural for the United States to furnish munitions and war supplies for the Chinese and Koreans to fight the Japanese in the Far East,and to give similar help to the British against the Germans,thus keeping America’s first lines of defense far away from her shores. Is it not the policy of wisdom to keep war away from the American door rather than to fight on the American doorstep?

The United States,fully aware of the situation,turned over to Great Britain fi여old destroyers in exchange for the lease of defense bases in some of the British colonial possessions in the Western hernisphere. At the same time,an American loan of $25,000,000 to China was a manifestation of the fact that the American government and the American people had come to a realization of the impending danger.

The Axis group has been co-operating in a sort of loose alliance. Knowing that Americans were still endeavoring to remain out of war, they have constantly played on that p이icy with veiled threats,hoping thus to frighten America into cutting off aid to Britain and China. On September 26,1940,πle Japan Times suggested a plan for settlement of Pacific problems on the basis of a triple alliance among the United States,Japan,and German)'j with the following comment: “Japan is finally convinced that the United States stands unalterably opposed to her legitimate expansion in the Orient and she can be expected to give Germany active support if America enters the European war."

Japan finally decided to take all the risks in pursuing her “Greater East Asia" policy by making a formal alliance with Berlin and Rome on September 27,1940. She gambled on Germany’s winning the war before the United States could be ready. The pact was meant as a warning to the United States. Article m states that Japan,Germany, and Italy undertake to assist one another with all political,economic, and military means when one of the three contracting parties is attacked by a power not at present involved in the European war or in the Sino-Japanese conflict. Article N states: “'Any state that attempts to interfere in the closing phase of the wars which seek a solution of European problems or those of Eastern Asia will run afoul of the combined determined forces of 250,000,000 people’: It is significant that Japan’'s usual phrase of “East Asia" is now “Greater East Asia." How soon will the latter change again? Each new term brings Japan nearer to America.

Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka,in a broadcast on October 10,1940,declared:

{{인용문:“1 wish earnestly that such a powerful nation as the United States and all other nations at present neutral do not become involved in the European war or come by any chance into conflict with Japan because of the China incident or otherwise. Such an eventuality,with all the possibility of bringing awful catastrophe upon humanity,is enough to make one shudder,if one stops to imagine the consequences."}}

Prince Konoe said to newspapermen on October 6,1940:

“The question of peace or war in the Pacific will be decided by whether the United States and Japan understand and respect each other’s positions. If the United States recognizes Japa따 leadership in East Asia, Japan would recognize United States leadership of the Americas. If the United States refuses to understand the real intention ofJapan,Germany, and ltaly in concluding an alliance for positive co-operation in creating a new world order,and persist in challenging those powers in the belief that the accord is a hostile action,there will be no other course open to it than to go to war:'

In reference to Article m ,which may compel the Japanese navy to attack the United States,he said,“1n such case,Japan would cut off Arnerican supplies,and force the United States to take an offensive under disadvantageous conditions."

The nationalist leader,Seigo Nakano,said in Nichi Nichi:

틀:인용문:“If the United States refuses to send oil,we should obtain it in the Netherland lndies and Malaya,and suppress zinc and tin shipments to America. If the United States resorts to force,we must meet the attack in the western Pacific."

Thus Japan,almost in desperation,burst into open intimidation as a last resort. She had employed this method constantly in the past, though not so boldly and menacingly,and had always been rewarded with magical success. Such stock phrases as “great eventualities" and “grave consequences,"which her diplomats and propagandists used with gusto in former times,were not strong enough on this occasion. Therefore,both the Premier and the Foreign Minister,for the first time in the history of Arnerican-Japanese diplomacy,openly and officially asserted,in the form of newspaper interviews,that Japan “would declare war on the United States." This direct intimidation produced an adverse effect in America. Of course,and as usual, pro-Japanese elements in the United States used this reaction as an occasion publicly to criticize the government for “dragging the United States into war." But the general public was indignant,and some called it “an open insult/' while others referred to it as a “virtual ultimatum': From the standpoint of America’'s national defense ,the action of the Tokyo-Berlin gangsters in shaking their fists at America from the East and the West at the same time was probably just the thing some Americans needed to open their eyes to the facts. Those who had a vague idea of Germany’'s ultimate design to attack the Western hemisphere,but still refused to believe Japan had any such ambition,now began to give whole-hearted support to the national defense program. This conviction of the inevitability of an ultimate United States-Japanese clash,together with the rising tide of anger in America against Japanese incidents in China,convinced most Americans that “the sooner we have a two-ocean navy the better:'