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사단법인 건국대통령 이승만박사 기념사업회》. 2013-04-11에 원본문서에서 보존된 문서. 2010-12-20에 확인함.

조지아 주 백과사전. 《Jimmy Carter》. Georgia Humanities Council

mathematics, n.》. Oxford University Press. 2012.  June 16, 2012에 확인함.

Other entities having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly and maintaining permanent offices at Headquarters》.  2009-12-22에 확인함.

Joint Comminuque on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between Niue and the People's Republic of China》. Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Lithuania. 2007-12-19.  2012-02-07에 확인함.

보관된 사본》. 2012-04-03에 원본문서에서 보존된 문서. 2011-07-15에 확인함.

반란 지역에 대한 승인으로 비난 받는 러시아》. CNN.com. 2008-08-26.  2008-08-26에 확인함.

작은 나우루가 공화국으로 승인 받으며 세계 무대를 활보하다》. 가디언

Lecture by Prime Minister Puna of the Cook Islands -State recognition of the Cook Islands to lead to furthering cooperation》. Meiji University. 2011-06-22.  2012-01-14에 확인함.

Joint Communique Between the People's Republic of China and the Cook Islands on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations》. The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in New Zealand. 2003-10-27.  2012-01-14에 확인함.

Other entities having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly and maintaining permanent offices at Headquarters》.  2009-12-22에 확인함.