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고급 검색

다음 이름공간에서 검색:

  • ...health-organization/index.html Trump announces end of US relationship with World Health Organization] CNN May 29, 2020
    14 KB (1,332 단어) - 2020년 6월 2일 (화) 02:22
  • ...: Navarro says China hid virus from world, is hoarding PPE for profit] Fox News 2020.04.19 * [https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=081&aid=0003084265&sid1=001 <n
    16 KB (1,719 단어) - 2020년 4월 27일 (월) 11:43
  • ...ion condemns Chinese government over handling of coronavirus response] Fox News March 24, 2020 :New report claims coronavirus outbreak could have been reduced by 95 percent if China
    27 KB (1,680 단어) - 2020년 5월 29일 (금) 15:05
  • ...s/56_ancestry_john_mccain.asp "On the Ancestry, Royal Descent, and English and American Notable Kin of Senator John Sidney McCain IV"], New England Histor ..."McCain's grades were good in the subjects he enjoyed, such as literature and history. Gamboa said McCain would rather read a history book than do his ma
    26 KB (541 단어) - 2019년 7월 30일 (화) 09:57
  • ...his respect I have been often misunderstood. Some of my friends ask me now and then, while discussing Oriental problems, "Do you want the United States to ...the word, by temperament and religion. I was raised in a Confucian family and educated in a Confucian school. Confucius placed war beyond the pale of civ
    406 KB (68,171 단어) - 2023년 3월 23일 (목) 14:58
  • ...ki/File:1945-11-08_G-2_Periodic_Reports_n.59_Kim_Il_Sawng.jpg G-2 Periodic Report # 59 (8 Nov. 1945)] : 평양에 등장한 김일성이 처음 나오는 미
    460 KB (22,163 단어) - 2024년 4월 25일 (목) 12:13
  • 427 KB (14,390 단어) - 2024년 4월 2일 (화) 13:57
  • 603 KB (15,619 단어) - 2024년 4월 25일 (목) 12:07